Sunday, July 22, 2007

Episode 10 - Skinwalker

I have always thought that there are a lot of mysteries in the world.In all cultures and beliefs there are folk tales,myths and unbelievable stories.We have all heard ghost stories and wondered ,could they be true??Well the point of me saying all this is because of the native stories in this episode that made a total connection between Clark and the tribe's savior "Naman".How do we know for sure in the real world that some of those so called tall tales was not true.

Finally we start getting a glimpse of Clark's quest toward finding out about where he came from and the mysteries in his life.Sadly it always seems though that anybody Clark is able to befriend and have a close connection with,ends up leaving one way or another.I think I figured out the first time I watched it that Kyla was the wolf, but hated it for Clark.

Of course you would know that the Luthers would want their hands in anything that sounded out of the norm.Wouldn't you know that the caves would be buried under property the Luther Corp owned.So Clark could not even investigate them without Lex and Lionel lurking over his shoulder.

O.k as I have said before about Tom Welling and shirtless pics...I love them and wanted to share this one for those like

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